2023 UPDATE:
This “Leaving Celestia” WordPress site is now mostly inactive, and new posts are here:


Some pages on this site are still active, but they are in the process of being redirected to the newer domain. Please bookmark that page, and give me a shout!

As always, thanks for your time.

– J Kilmer

Leaving Celestia was originally a rock music project conceived by J Kilmer in Ohio and relocated to L.A. in 2009.

Some sites that help us keep the lights on:

KilmerMedia on Pond5

KilmerMedia on AudioJungle

This blog, though originally set up to discuss music, has expanded into a stream-of-consciousness record. The topics are ever-changing, and hopefully we will both be able to gain some greater insight through discussion, whether our opinions are similar or dissimilar.

I hope you enjoy your time here, and thanks for stopping by!

What's up?